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PINSY HR-Bonus Management and salary policy


The calculation of bonuses is an  automatic procedure


 Large organizations have the problem to evaluate and calculate the bonuses due for thousands of employees, with considerable expenditure of time and costs. 

This procedure solves the problem and allows for effective differentiation effortlessly.

The procedure for planning bonuses can be used both in the private sector than in the public sector, has been formulated to meet also all the needs that arise in the public sector. 


The program enables automatic calculation of the increases due to each individual  in relation to the objectives and performance. and prints, for each employee, the scorecard summarizing objectives and performance, the  evaluation range  and the bonus due . No manual calculation procedure and a perfect result.


Just efine the amount available for each category to assess and the ranges  of the evaluation score. The system provides the results.

Do you want to analyze the assessments of rating awarded by any manager, for the evaluation of  his  graduations in the judgments? This also is automatic.

Salary planning?

All the tools for the Personnel manager to define a salary policy.

The individual evaluation cards are printed,with results of orbjectives and performance, indicating bonus due .

A summary by department will show you all performers and grades obtained.


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