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PINSY HR-Training management

 Analysis of training needs is the first step.The training manager has the ability to program courses in relation to specific business needs. He automatically gets a full feedback on the training needs identified in the assessment of the objectives, performance and skills, as related to a single specific factor or in one or more organizational units. He can avail of the opinions expressed by managers on individual shortcomings, and can program the courses most suitable for organizational improvement.• The Director of Education will select the courses, internal or external to the company, include them in the database, and enroll employees   in relation to the deficiencies found or the possible paths of individual growth.• An option provides the employee, if enabled,  to  require electronically  to his  supervisor to participate in a training course. The supevisore may approve the participation automatically plugs in one click. the planned courses will be included in the annual training plan for the preparation of the budget.• An internal communication system, informs the employee of the completed enrollment in the course.


Here are some of the various possibilities.

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