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PINSY HR -Job evaluation -The Point Method

A sophisticated method made simple- The point method

The point method is undoubtedly the most widely used and the most effective evaluation system. The proposed system is  the standard, which requires the development of complex mathematical formulas, but  Pinsy HR  covers all the calculations automatically. You will be able to develop in minutes  a perfect system that would  require a specialist  several weeks.


The method is based on the assumption that the company positions are based on characteristics common to all positions, but that they occur in every position, with different intensity and amplitude.

Each common characteristic is called "evaluation  factor" and to measure the intensity of each  factor this  is then divided into "grades", which describe the various  degrees of the factor. The system database contains several evaluation factors, the user can modify and update at will.

The method is based on the analysis of the tasks of the position, which is usually translated into an analysis form. The skills identified in the summary sheet of positions are compared to a frame of reference, the "Assessment Manual" which summarizes the essential characteristics of the job. Evaluation boards in the system allow a quick evaluation by an evaluation committee.

What differentiates the method of scoring by the non-quantitative methods, it is precisely the score, namely the translation of a descriptive judgment in a numerical value, which expresses numerically the weight of a position with respect to all the others. The total score also serves as the basis for defining the salary level of the position.

The module allows a fast and accurate graduation of positions with considerable saving of time and costs. A second method is available in the system, the method for factors and points, more suitable for small organizations.


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